The Blur

Student Impact: Katie Bowen

Katie Bowen

Georgetown University’s Center for Social Impact Communication: Describe your career path and your current position as a CSIC Student Research Assistant.
Katie Bowen: I’ve always been passionate about politics and corporate business.  So, when deciding on a graduate degree, marketing allowed me to blend the two fields and work on projects that applied to all my career interests.  It wasn’t until I took Cause Consulting that I discovered my niche with corporate social responsibility efforts.  Since then, […]

Office Hours

Students participate in Office Hours

Office Hours are held every Thursday during the semester in the C2 Atrium, unless otherwise specified. Students must RSVP to attend.
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UN World Food Programme Field Trip

CISI Social Impact Field Trip to the United Nation's World Food Programme

We visited the World Food Programme (WFP), the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide, for our first social impact field trip of 2017. In emergencies, WFP gets food to where it is needed, saving the lives of victims of war, civil conflict and natural disasters. After the cause of an emergency has passed, WFP uses food to help communities rebuild their shattered lives. Learn how WFP and WFP-USA market and communicate their mission and […]