The Blur

Dollars for Doers- Informing and engaging volunteers for funding

Are you benefitting the most from your volunteers? Working at a nonprofit can be a stressful job, there never seems to be enough time or resources to get everything done. Your organization relies on volunteers to function. Many organizations are missing out on volunteer grants. They are a simple and effective way to increase revenue through corporate volunteering. Volunteer grants were originally created to encourage local volunteerism where employees live and work. These programs are […]

The one tip to make your donors fall in love with you

by  KC Sledd
What if I told you that you learned the key to successful, brilliant fundraising when you were only five years old, sitting in kindergarten?
This isn’t a trick – this is a real skill that many of us knew at one point or another, but have likely struggled with over the course of our lives. Nor is it some fancy online fundraising technique, or something called a “listicle,” or even expensive donor management software. […]

Telling Your Non-Profit’s Story through User-Generated Content

by Jamie Caswell
What is user-generated content?
You have probably seen a user-generated content campaign today, but you may not be aware of what exactly a successful campaign entails. User-generated content is media — including photos, videos, graphics, stories, etc. — that is contributed by individual users of a website or social media platform. User generated content is valuable because it eases the burden of creating original content from the organization itself, while at the same opening up ample opportunities for increased engagement and participation. […]

Why Your Nonprofit Organization Must Have a Media Kit

by Jill Westeyn
According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, there are more than 1.4 million nonprofit organization in the United States. While some nonprofits are highly specialized and unique, others may be “competing” against hundreds of similar organizations to raise money for the same cause. In either case, it is important for your nonprofit to maintain and make available a media kit. A media kit is a public relations tool that is used to tell the […]

We Have Facebook and Twitter. Now What? An Overview for Nonprofit Organizations

by Rachel Rule Ghadiali
Since 72% of Americans use social media, it’s important for your nonprofit to be part of the conversation in the digital space and connect with your donors, beneficiaries, and others who might have an affinity for your work. It is critical that you utilize social media platforms to communicate your message and engage with the public in a meaningful way because discussions about your work and your topics of interest will occur whether […]