The Future of Social Impact Storytelling

The Future of Social Impact Storytelling

What Will Change, What Won’t and Why Does It Matter?

Everywhere you turn within the social impact sector, practitioners are talking about the power of storytelling. And for good reason. Effective stories create action–they can build movements, mobilize supporters and spur donations.

History has shown that stories are inextricably linked to what it means to be human. Before there was formal communication, there were stories–on cave paintings, within ancient temples, and passed down verbally from every culture and generation the world has seen.

But we’re now entering a phase of storytelling overload from an organizational point-of-view. The definition and purpose of a “story” in our sector has rapidly evolved, and it’s harder than ever to escape the noise and develop organizational cultures of storytelling that break down silos and work across functions, departments and people.

We are headed into an entirely new stratosphere of storytelling for good that will arguably change society–and certainly how social impact organizations communicate missions and solicit donations. Our Future of Social Impact Storytelling research explores the key change spaces for how storytelling is evolving now and into the future.

The research report will be published later this year. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know of its release.